JEFFERSON CITY, MO, MAY 25, 2011 – The Missouri Air Conservation Commission will meet on May 26 in Jefferson City to discuss air quality issues and conduct public hearings.
The Air Pollution Control Program worked with stakeholders to create a single, consolidated statewide indirect heating rule to replace four area-specific indirect heating rules. The consolidated rule will be presented for public hearing as well as the recession of the four area-specific rules. The consolidated rule keeps particulate matter emission limits for indirect heating units, which mainly include utility and industrial boilers, process heaters and smelters, at the same level as the area-specific rules it is proposed to replace.
The purpose of a public hearing is for the commission to hear public comments on the amendments. No actions on these amendments will be taken at this meeting. The department also will accept written or email comments for the record until 5 p.m. on June 2. Information on these amendments is available on the department’s website at rulemaking.htm.
The commission will also vote on adopting a change to Missouri’s plan to meet federal air quality standards and the state’s recommendation for designating which areas of the state are not meeting the federal standard for sulfur dioxide.
Program staff will also provide routine updates on the functions of the Air Pollution Control Program.
The meeting will start at 9 a.m. and will be held in the Elm Street Conference Center, 1730 East Elm in Jefferson City. The meeting will also be streamed live over the Internet from the department’s website at
The Department of Natural Resources requests people intending to give verbal presentation on the proposed public hearing items also provide a written copy of their testimony to the commission secretary at the time of the public hearing. People requiring special services or accommodations to attend the hearing can make arrangements by calling 800-361-4827 or 573-751-4871. Hearing-impaired individuals may contact the program through Relay Missouri at 800-735-2966.
Public hearing items may be adopted by the Missouri Air Conservation Commission as provided for under authority of 643.050 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri.
The Missouri Air Conservation Commission, made up of seven members appointed by the governor, was created by the Missouri General Assembly in 1965. The commission’s primary duty is to carry out the Missouri Air Conservation Law.
For more information or a complete meeting agenda, contact the Missouri Department of Natural Resources’ Air Pollution Control Program at 573-751-4817 or visit