Showing posts with label Missouri Fly Fishing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Missouri Fly Fishing. Show all posts

Friday, January 13, 2023

Learn fishing skills with MDC’s free fly-tying classes in Jefferson City


MDC staff will guide participants through the skill of fly-tying

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. – The Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) invites the public to spend a few relaxing hours with MDC staff learning the art of fly-tying. Many different materials will be available for use, and participants will be taught how to fly-tie. This free event will be held at Runge Nature Center in Jefferson City on Jan. 26 from 5:30-7:30 in the evening.

Fly-tying is a great way to customize a fishing lure to a specific type of fish or to a particular stretch of stream. It is also a way to get an added sense of accomplishment when a fish is caught with the handmade lure.

All participants must be older than 12 and register prior to attending one of these classes. Registration can be done at  All questions can be directed to the instructor, Ashley Edwards, at

Runge Nature Center is located at 330 Commerce Drive in Jefferson City.

Friday, May 29, 2020

Get hooked on fishing with MDC Free Fishing Days June 6 and 7

MDC reminds anglers that fishing permits are required, except for Free Fishing Days.

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. – The Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) invites the public to get hooked on fishing through its Free Fishing Days June 6 and 7. During Free Fishing Days, anyone may fish in the Show-Me State without having to buy a fishing permit, trout permit, or trout park daily tag. Free Fishing Days is an annual MDC event that takes place statewide during the Saturday and Sunday following the first Monday in June.

Aside from not needing permits, other fishing regulations remain in effect during Free Fishing Days, such as limits on size and number of fish an angler may keep. Special permits may still be required at some county, city, or private fishing areas. Trespass laws remain in effect on private property.

MDC reminds anglers in Missouri that fishing permits are required before and after June 6 and 7, unless an angler is exempt by age or other factors. All other fishing regulations are also in effect. MDC temporarily suspended requirements for fishing permits from March 27 through April 15.

Conservation makes Missouri a great place to fish. Missouri has more than a million acres of surface water, and most of it provides great fishing. More than 200 different fish species are found in Missouri, with more than 20 of them being game fish for the state's more than 1.1 million anglers. Learn more about fishing in Missouri at

For information on Missouri fishing regulations, fish identification, and more, get a copy of MDC's 2020 Summary of Missouri Fishing Regulations where permits are sold, or online at

MDC’s free MO Fishing mobile app can help anglers find the best places to fish in Missouri, access regulation information, identify fish by species, and more. Anglers can also buy, store, and show fishing permits right on their mobile devices. MO Fishing is available for download through Google Play for Android devices or the App Store for Apple devices. Learn more at

MDC reminds the public that it is still critical to continue to heed all recommendations for physical distancing, avoiding overcrowding, handwashing, and other public health measures during outdoor activities.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Get Those Felt-Soled Waders Legal

The MDC has instituted a new rule for felt-soled waders.  As of March 1 of 2012, fishermen will be required to use non-porous soled waders when fishing in Missouri waters. If you have felt-soled waders, you have a couple of options to treat them if you want to avoid buying new ones. Here's how to get yours legal:

Saturday, April 10, 2010


Current River
Family Outdoors has just out up this page as an aid to those wishing to get information on Missouri fly fishing. Full of good information!
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