Don't get the wrong idea about what I am saying here. I love the trout parks and I even love opening day of the trout season. You just probably won't ever find me fishing one of the opening days. I have learned the hard way to always (get the contradiction) qualify my absolutes...thus I throw in a probably before my won't. Anyway, I love the trout parks during winter catch and release season and on Summer weekdays and I love opening day because it sucks a tremendous number of the state's trout fishermen into about 5 square miles of the state's 150 miles of trout streams.
I took my son fishing in the upper stretches of the Current River on the Saturday before Monday's opening. We came in through Montauk State Park and the place was already hopping. The State Troopers had people pulled over and the campground was mostly full. We slid on through and took a look at Tan Vat and it was even a bit crowded for our liking. It was a beautiful day after all. We made our way on down to Baptist Camp, and though the parking lot had a half dozen or so cars and trucks, the fishermen were so spread out we had each hole we wanted to fish to ourselves. Though it was a warm day, the ice hung off the canyon walls creating a beautiful fishing backdrop.
We fished several hours catching and releasing a total of ten decent fish, all of which in my mind are still there awaiting our next trip. I had my required fruitless battle with what I think was a very nice brown. He is nursing a slightly sore mouth and growing to world record size as we speak. Soon, the drunken maniacs will make the river below Baptist Camp a less serene lady as she is violated by floaters who soon know not whether they are in a Scenic Riverway or the log flume at Six Flags. Then we will go somewhere else and maybe I will let you know where that is. If I am not so specific, it is because there are some smaller gems out there, but half the fun is finding them.
Rafters, tubers, & kayakers do tend to screw up a good day of fishing. The pictures of the ice hanging off the canyon walls are awesome.