Scott Manley from Ducks Unlimited recognized the MDC for supporting the development of waterfowl breeding habitat in Canada,
Chris Vitello (Fisheries Division Chief) reported on issues surrounding Missouri Department of Conservation cold water hatcheries in Missouri.
Jeff Berringer (MDC Resource Scientist) reported on various issues regarding the population of black bears in Missouri.
The Commission heard from the Missouri Farm Bureau on the issue of the reintroduction of elk to Missouri.
In addition to these presentations, several actions were also taken by the Conservation Commission. Most had to do with acquisition of lands. Also, the Commission did its regular job of acting on suspensions and revocations of licenses for various infractions.
The Commission acted to transfer approximately 1/3 of an acre of the Vera Cruz access to Bryant Creek to Douglas County. It appears this was done to allow for Douglas County to replace the bridge over Bryant Creek. Also, the Commission allowed for a small easement to be used by Douglas County for the purpose of construction access.
In a similar move, the Commission acted to hand over 0.43 acres of the Baptist Camp Access (this is the one on the Big Piney River as opposed to the one on the Current River) to Texas County for the replacement of their bridge over the river. They also allowed for an easement for construction purposes.
Finally, the Commission approved the purchase of about an acre of land from the Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission to add to the White Ranch Conservation Area (Howell Cty).
The Commission suspended or revoked the licenses of many residents for Wildlife Code violations. Also, about 275 folks had action taken against them for violations under the Interstate Wildlife Violator Act. 305 people got their privileges taken because of lack of child support payments.
The nest meeting will be May 26 and 27.
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