JEFFERSON CITY, MO, JUNE 23, 2011 – The Missouri Department of Natural Resources has awarded Doniphan a $10,000 grant to reduce pollution from stormwater runoff at the city’s Quick CreekPark.
The Quick Creek Park Environmental Education Project will involve implementing conservation practices focused on reducing pollution from stormwater runoff. The purpose of such an initiative will not only be to preserve and restore the environment, but also to focus upon education by involving school and community groups in the project.
The project aims to restore native vegetation such as trees, shrubs and native grasses and wildflowers to the site. It will also demonstrate the effectiveness and ease of managing stormwater runoff using rain gardens, and develop a lawn nutrient management plan based on soil testing for proper fertilization of the athletic fields.
The community will be invited to participate in the project. The city intends to involve school groups, construct outdoor learning classrooms and implement educational activities for community events such as Earth Day and Arbor Day.
These activities will educate residents, landowners, citizens and businesses about pollutants from stormwater runoff, and promote their involvement in best management practices in the watershed. They will also learn what technical resources are available to assist them in implementing such activities.
The city of Doniphan and partners will provide a match contribution of $6,670 during the life of the project bringing the total cost of the project to $16,670. Contributing partners in this collaborative effort include the Doniphan High School, local civic groups, Natural Resource Conservation Service, Stream Team volunteers and the University of Missouri-Extension. Projectcompletion is expected by April 30, 2013.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 7 has provided partial funding for this project under Section 319 of the Clean Water Act. The Department of Natural Resources’ Water Protection Program will administer the grant funds. The department is committed to working closely with communities and businesses to assist with funding efforts that improve water quality in Missourias well as provide a financial savings. For more information, contact the Water Protection Program atP.O. Box 176, Jefferson City, MO 65102 or call 800-361-4827 or 573-751-1300.
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