The department awarded the district a $282,000 grant and a $282,000 low-interest loan for the replacement project, which expected to be complete in November.
Funding for the grant and loan comes from Missouri’s Drinking Water State Revolving Fund. The fund provides significant funding to assist communities with infrastructure needs for water quality, wastewater and drinking water. A portion of the funding will be targeted toward green infrastructure, water and energy efficiency, and environmentally innovative projects. This funding will help the district protect residents and the environment by making necessary drinking water improvements.
The Department of Natural Resources’ Water Protection Program will administer the grant and loan funds. The department is committed to working closely with communities to assist with funding efforts that support water and wastewater infrastructure improvement projects as well as provide a financial savings.
For more information contact the department’s Water Protection Program, Financial Assistance Center, P.O. Box 176, Jefferson City, MO 65102-0176 or call 800-361-4827 or
573-751-1192 or visit the department’s website at dnr.mo.gov/env/wpp/srf.

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