The park's objective is to designate a single land assignment sized and appropriately located to meet the operational needs of the Akers Canoe Rental as required for the new concession contract. A clearly delineated land assignment will allow park management to effectively manage the contract associated with the concession's activity. The selected and designed land assignment site will improve the visitor experience and promote safety around the Ranger Station, Day Use Area and Concession's Store by reducing and managing congestion.
The park will examine different alternative sites up to 1 mile from the Akers Ranger Station that meet the above stated goals. Site selection will primarily be based on its ability to provide the operational elements needed by a concession, insure a quality visitor experience, and maintain the values adequate to an area within a National Park Service Unit. This includes - but is not limited to – efficient functionality for the concessions operation without compromising aesthetics, resource protection, visitor safety, and enhanced visitor experience.
A 30-day public comment period about the proposal to designate a land assignment for the Akers Concessioner operations has begun. Public input is being solicited to help define any issues to be addressed in an upcoming Environmental Assessment (EA). Public comments received during this 30-day "scoping" period will be used to develop the EA. When the EA is completed and released for review, the public will be encouraged to comment.
Public comment will be accepted through August 25, 2011 and may be submitted online by selecting Ozark National Scenic Riverways at the NPS Planning, Environment and Public Comment website, http://parkplanning.nps.gov, or sent to:
Superintendent – Akers Concession Land Assignment
Ozarks National Scenic Riverways
404 Watercress Drive
Van Buren, MO 63965
Fax: 573-323-4140
Commenters should be aware that their comments, including names and home addresses, are considered public information and may be released to the public. However, individual commenters may request that their name and home address be withheld from public release by stating this in their comment letter.

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